my name is janine.

(pronounced: ja-NEEN)

& i believe in the power of stories.

everything & everyone has a story.

stories are narratives. they are the connective tissue between the abstract & the real- they bring people & concepts from the potential to the actual. stories live in the crux between facts & feelings, & convey both with passion & clarity.

stories serve as the foundation upon which one gains experience, creates knowledge & shares information. they are the means by which we illustrate learning & we evidence growth. they are the measure by which we find hope, truth & relationship within one another & our lives.

we, collectively & individually, are composed of hundreds of stories. those that inspire. those that encourage. those that caution. those that empower. those that affirm. those that weave between the days and phases of our lives, & create the meaning of our work.

…but not everyone has the means to tell their story in the way it deserves.

i am a storyteller.

& my passion is to help you tell your story.

those who tell the story rule the world.

hopi proverb