no two stories are the same.


this is how i tell your story & share your narrative.

i am dynamic, engaging & intentional. i utilize an active engagement model to engage participants & also to expand on the knowledge & experience already in the room. you know your organization. i know how to challenge your organization & take it to the next level.

i am innovative & entertaining. i can find an educational moment, extended metaphor &/or expansive current event that both encapsulates & illustrates classic & timeless leadership, and team & personal development practices. my personality & sense of humor endear participants to me, & inform them in a unique way that creates true learning & reflection opportunities.

i am experienced. my unique path into student affairs & specifically, housing & residence life, has been enriched by challenges & growth opportunities that inform my practice. i use my story to illustrate learning & development through reflection. i also use my own balance of successful & challenging experiences to create learning for others, sharing my own failure & perseverance as a blueprint.

i am the storyteller your work needs.


the true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.

william h. gass

what is the narrative you want to share?

my work focuses on six (6) areas of specificity.

in these areas, i have proven experience & relevant curriculum to assist all levels of staff & student participants.

i can also adjust & amend curriculum, based on your organization’s specific needs, learning outcomes &/or goals.

i utilize a collaborative approach to information sharing, & rely heavily on consensus building as a means to enhance shared knowledge.

i believe that the process of sharing your narrative via any of the means below is a flexible one, and that it relies heavily on concentric feedback & accountability for all stakeholders.


authenticity & personal exploration

are you:

seeking training &/or facilitation of team &/or personal development?

desiring to create a personal leadership development curriculum for student leaders?

undergoing programmatic evaluation for student leader positions?

curriculum & assessment

are you:

looking to develop or evaluate current curricular measures?

desiring a departmental or programmatic review?

seeking evidence of programmatic or initiative outcomes &/or growth?

justice, diversity, equity & inclusion education

are you:

seeking to develop a JEDI curriculum for students &/or staff?

adjusting or responding to campus/social issues via proactive or responsive education?

looking to adjust &/or benchmark departmental diversity/equity climate?


graduate student mentorship & advisement

are you:

designing a graduate student staff development curriculum?

hoping to expand/revise/update practicum & internship programs?

determining the need/efficacy of transition to/from professional positions to graduate level positions?

greek organizational development

are you:

experiencing leadership transition & want to proactively promote leader culture?

seeking consultant for institute/summit curriculum development & assessment?

pursuing a shift in council leadership/membership training?

residential leadership

are you:

seeking to implement a residential curriculum & appropriate assessment model?

benchmarking/needs assessing current staff training curriculum?

desiring to adjust student leadership roles to industry standards?

storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.

robert mcafee